Bloomberg Licence Agreement

Bloomberg License Agreement: What You Need to Know

Bloomberg, one of the most renowned financial data and news organizations, provides licensed access to its expansive database of information for individuals and businesses. However, to gain access, users must agree to the Bloomberg License Agreement. This article will provide an overview of what the agreement entails and what you should know before signing up for a Bloomberg license.

What is the Bloomberg License Agreement?

The Bloomberg License Agreement is a legal agreement between Bloomberg and its users. It outlines the terms and conditions that govern the use of Bloomberg`s data and services, including its news, analytics, and pricing data. Users must agree to these terms before gaining access to the Bloomberg Database.

What are the key terms of the Bloomberg License Agreement?

1. Restricted Use: The Bloomberg License Agreement limits the use of Bloomberg`s data and services to specific purposes, such as investment research, risk management, and trading. Users cannot use the data for commercial purposes unless they have negotiated a separate agreement with Bloomberg.

2. Authorized Users: The Bloomberg License Agreement only allows authorized users to access Bloomberg`s database. These authorized users can be individuals or organizations. The agreement states that users cannot share their login credentials with anyone else.

3. Fees: Users must pay subscription fees to access Bloomberg`s database and services. These fees vary depending on the level of access required and the number of users.

4. Intellectual Property: The Bloomberg License Agreement states that Bloomberg owns all the intellectual property rights to its data and services. Users cannot copy, distribute, or modify Bloomberg`s data without permission.

5. Disclaimer: The Bloomberg License Agreement includes a disclaimer of liability. Bloomberg does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of its data and services. Users are responsible for making their own decisions based on Bloomberg`s information.

Why is the Bloomberg License Agreement important?

The Bloomberg License Agreement is essential because it protects both Bloomberg and its users. It sets out the terms and conditions that govern the use of Bloomberg`s data and services, ensuring that users use the information responsibly and for the intended purposes. At the same time, it protects Bloomberg`s intellectual property and limits its liability in case of inaccuracies or errors in its data.


The Bloomberg License Agreement is a critical component of gaining access to Bloomberg`s database of financial data and services. It outlines the terms and conditions that govern the use of Bloomberg`s information and is essential for both users and Bloomberg to protect their interests. Before signing up for a Bloomberg license, users should carefully review the Bloomberg License Agreement to ensure they understand the terms and comply with them.