Busan Partnership Agreement – in Brief

The Busan Partnership Agreement (BPA) is a global agreement that was signed at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, South Korea, in 2011. The agreement was signed by over 150 countries, including both developing and developed nations, as well as representatives from civil society organizations and international aid agencies.

The BPA was developed as a response to changes in the global development landscape, which had shifted away from traditional donor-recipient relationships towards more partnerships and collaboration between countries. The agreement sets out principles and guidelines for aid and development cooperation, with a focus on increasing the effectiveness of aid and improving development outcomes for all stakeholders.

The key pillars of the BPA are ownership, results, inclusive development, and transparency and accountability. This means that developing countries are encouraged to take ownership of their development plans, with support from donors and other partners, and to focus on achieving results that have a real impact on poverty reduction and sustainable development. Inclusive development is also a key consideration, with a focus on ensuring that marginalized groups, such as women, youth, and people with disabilities, have access to development opportunities and are able to participate fully in the development process.

Transparency and accountability are also key principles of the BPA, with a focus on ensuring that aid and development resources are used effectively and efficiently, and that progress towards achieving development goals is measured and reported on. Developing countries are encouraged to take a leadership role in this process, with support from donors and other partners.

The BPA has been widely endorsed by the international development community, and has been seen as a positive step towards improving the effectiveness of aid and development cooperation. However, there are challenges to implementing the agreement, particularly in terms of ensuring that all stakeholders are fully committed to the principles and guidelines set out in the agreement, and that there is a shared understanding of what constitutes effective aid and development cooperation.

Overall, the Busan Partnership Agreement is an important document that sets out a vision for more effective aid and development cooperation, and provides useful guidance for all stakeholders involved in the development process. By focusing on principles such as ownership, results, inclusive development, and transparency and accountability, the BPA has the potential to contribute to more sustainable development outcomes and to help reduce poverty and inequality around the world.