India Spain Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement

India and Spain recently signed a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) to promote economic growth by eliminating double taxation and preventing tax evasion. The agreement aims to facilitate trade and investment between the two countries. This article will explore what the DTAA means and why it`s important for businesses and individuals doing business between India and Spain.

What is a DTAA?

A DTAA is an agreement between two countries to avoid double taxation of income and assets. Double taxation occurs when the same income or asset is taxed in two different countries. This can sometimes happen when a resident of one country earns income or owns an asset in another country. DTAA agreements help avoid double taxation by establishing clear rules about where the income or asset is taxed.

Benefits of the India-Spain DTAA

The India-Spain DTAA brings several benefits to businesses and individuals operating between the two countries. Firstly, it eliminates the possibility of double taxation. Secondly, it establishes guidelines for determining residency and taxable income, which helps avoid confusion and disputes. Thirdly, it simplifies administrative procedures for tax purposes, making it easier for businesses to comply with tax regulations.

The DTAA also helps promote economic growth by providing a sense of security for investors. Businesses can make long-term investments and expand their operations without fear of double taxation. This can lead to increased trade and investment between the two countries, boosting economic growth and creating job opportunities.

Key provisions of the India-Spain DTAA

The India-Spain DTAA includes several key provisions that affect individuals and businesses operating between the two countries. These include:

• Residency: The DTAA establishes clear guidelines for determining residency for tax purposes. This helps avoid confusion and disputes about which country has the right to tax a particular income or asset.

• Permanent Establishment: The DTAA defines what constitutes a permanent establishment, which is a taxable presence in a foreign country. The definition helps avoid disputes about whether a business has a taxable presence in India or Spain.

• Taxes Covered: The DTAA covers most types of income and assets, including business profits, dividends, interest, royalties, and capital gains.

• Tax Rates: The DTAA establishes tax rates for different types of income and assets. For example, the maximum tax rate for dividends is 15% and the maximum tax rate for interest is 10%.


The India-Spain DTAA is an important agreement that helps promote trade and investment between the two countries. The agreement eliminates double taxation, establishes clear guidelines for determining residency and taxable income, and simplifies administrative procedures for tax purposes. The DTAA provides a sense of security for investors, which can lead to increased economic growth and job opportunities. Businesses and individuals operating between India and Spain should be aware of the provisions of the DTAA to ensure they comply with tax regulations and take advantage of the benefits it brings.