Category: online texts

Citation on Binding and Hoche in “From Genesis to Genocide” by Stephan Chorover.

The year 1920 also marks the opening in Germany of an explicit discussion of the intentional killing of patients deemed unworthy to live, in a book called The Release and Destruction of Lives Devoid of Value.  Its authors, Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche, were distinguished scholars, a jurist and a psychiatrist, respectively.  Almost four years …

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English translation of Binding and Hoche’s Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life

Purchase a new translation of Binding and Hoche’s influential 1920 book here:   Ebook Soft Cover Hard Cover  

Die Freigabe der Vernichtung Lebensunwerten Lebens

Buy a print or Kindle edition of the German edition, only.  (The English edition contains both the English and German text.) Ich darf bekunden, daß die Fragen, mit denen unsere Abhandlung sich be schäftigt, dem Verstorbenen Gegenstand eines von lebhaftestem Verantwortungsgefühl und tiefer Menschenliebe getragenen Nachdenkens gewesen sind.  Mir persönlich wird die Erinnerung an die …

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